Online Learning Magangement System (LMS)

  • Limitless exposure

    There is no limit to the geographic regions where courses may be promoted, allowing for statewide, national or international exposure that will help to expand your market base.

  • Increase Enrollment

    The number of participants enrolled in a LMS course in any one term can triple the enrollment of a course or training program, thereby increasing the revenue per course for the organization.

  • Participant Interaction

    Courses may be offered in a blended fashion with select in-person meetings, interactive chat rooms, and/or threaded discussions or screen-share presentations, or as asynchronous courses with limited participant-to-participant and participant-to-instructor interaction.

  • Increase Course Profitability

    The overall need for direct and indirect services is significantly reduced, which increases course profitability and frees up services to be used in other areas.

  • Effective Online Courses

    VESi’s Learning Management System allows instructors to build effective online courses and to manage learning and collaborative activities on the web.

  • Complete LMS Support

    Virtual Education Software, inc. has the capability to develop, convert, host, and support your entire LMS distance learning program.

  • No Associated Costs

    There are NO COSTS associated with any of the services provided to the organizations in developing, hosting, and supporting these courses. Participants pay a nominal user fee per course. This is the only cost associated with LMS courses developed by VESi.

  • Professional Course Development

    Courses can be developed and ready for listing in as little as six weeks.

  • Versatile Course Development

    Complete degree, certificate, and training programs or individual courses may be developed. A three-year contract is required.


Why Use VESi’s Learning Management System (LMS)?

VESi’s Learning Management System

allows instructors to build effective online courses and to manage learning and collaborative activities on the web. 

Virtual Education Software, inc. has the capability to develop, convert, host, and support your entire LMS distance learning program.

We build complete customized degree programs, certificate programs, and employee training programs. Alternatively, we can develop individual courses/trainings for your institution or business.

VESi will train faculty or facilitators to effectively use the professionally designed Learning Management System (LMS) courses/programs. 

Talk to a VESi (LMS) representative. Contact VESi today to learn more about LMS customized development and how we can meet your program’s needs at little or no cost.

What Does VESi Offer?

VESi will provide all course or training design and development, including creating all course imaging, inputting course text, linking handouts and course video, loading course material, loading exams and answer keys allowing for course scoring of exams, and adding all updates to a course during a session.

VESi will host the courses on their servers. The courses will be designed to match the look and feel of your organization.

VESi will provide technical support of courses for both participants and instructors. This is live, real-time technical support.

VESi will train instructors to use and monitor these LMS courses, so instructors need no distance course development experience to have a course designed and offered for them.

Each course space provides a list of tools enabling the teacher to:

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23403 E Mission Avenue
Suite 220F
Liberty Lake, WA 99019
Telephone: (800) 313-6744
Fax: (509) 926-7768