
Virtual Education Software, inc. offers continuing education courses for educators online. These courses are available for a variety of types of credit including Continuing Education Units (CEUs), Professional Learning Units (PLUs), Professional Development Units (PDUs), Clock Hours, Undergraduate credit, or Graduate credit. With over 90 Colleges and Universities available, you can find an organization offering the type of credit that is right for your situation.
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If you have diversity in your class (or your neighborhood, your town, your group of friends…), this class is worth taking. It provides practical applications for teaching diverse populations effectively, challenges you to take a look at yourself personally and professionally, as well as provides insight into a variety of cultures.
Teaching DiversityEasy to follow and it provides many great ideas and strategies that can be implemented in the classroom.
Behavior is LanguageI have already altered my classroom practices as a result of this class. Today, I encouraged kids to “sound out” words and provided hints, not spoonfed answers on correct pronunciation. For example, I pointed out roots, indicated if a vowel was long or short, or identified the number of syllables. So far, I prefer the last as the student has to do most of the work. It was very gratifying when a student correctly pronounced “institution” when he was aware of the syllables and then was able to recognize it and pronounce it correctly later in the paragraph. In one day, my teaching changed for the better, thanks to this unit.
Reading & Writing in Content AreaThank you for an amazing class; you truly have inspired me to be a better person and counselor!!!
Understanding Aggression This was a very user friendly course. I enjoyed it very much!
Behavior is Language I found this super convenient, efficient, and easily navigated. Information was pertinent and interesting.
Behavior is LanguageVery easy to navigate; the time frame allotted to complete the course is realistic; a do-able option when working full-time. Most of all, I greatly appreciate the learning; the course material is very valuable, current, and follows a nice sequence of study. I have benefitted greatly from the content of the two VESi courses I have completed and will be taking more courses in the near future. THANK YOU!!
Traumatized ChildI am very grateful for the opportunity to further my education through VESi! It couldn’t have been a better experience for me. The challenge and rigor was just right, the course was pertinent to my situation, and registration and submission of the course was a breeze.
Behavior is Language Self-pacing was ideal. I started the course before a vacation and picked right up where I left off when I returned.
Advanced Classroom Management Excellent – very insightful information. Extremely helpful research and applicable suggestions, handouts, etc.
Understanding & Implementing Common Core StandardsI have taken three VESi courses now. This course was by far my favorite. It was very relatable to my current teaching situation, as I am a fifth grade teacher in an inner-city school. The information in the course was relevant, interesting, and impacting.
Violence in SchoolsThis instructor added such a nice professional and encouraging touch in his videos and at the end of the questions in the examples sections. I enjoyed reading his words of encouragement. Brilliant teacher! I learned so much more in this course than I have in previous courses. I cannot wait to take another VESi course. I have already begun to use what I’ve learned in my own classroom. I feel I’ve acquired tools and knowledge to allow me to become a better teacher. THANK YOU!
Behavior is LanguageI return to VESi courses because I like the format on how information is presented. I need the audio format included along with the text type. I also appreciate the main points presented in PowerPoint type style which gives me extra visual stimulation to retain knowledge. The format is easy to become accustomed to and easy to complete. I will continue with more professional development credit through this program.
Understanding Aggression
I thought the course was great. It was rigorous and I got a lot out of it. Loved the nugget and the unit on fractions.
Teaching Elementary Math Conceptually I found the information in this course to be complete and definitive. When combined with what I have already received during district professional development, the common core info is much clearer. It will serve me well this year as I complete my first TPEP evaluation. In addition, I will be further prepared to teach algebra and geometry using common core standards and practices.
Understanding & Implementing Common Core Standards I actually feel like I understand CCS much more and can be more effective in professional development opportunities as well as classroom teaching. Thank you.
Understanding & Implementing Common Core Standards I gained tremendous information about differentiated instruction that I can use in my classroom. I learned research based strategies that can be used to reach all students. I would definitely recommend this course to others.
Try DI This is by far the best, most useful course I have taken in a long time. It provided ready-to-implement strategies to take with me into the classroom. I am extremely thankful!
Behavior is Language I enjoyed learning about ADHD. In the past, I really didn’t have enough background on ADHD. I had very limited tools in dealing with students with ADHD. After taking this course, I am competent enough to collaborate with other teachers and shared my knowledge about ADHD especially the strategies and interventions. This course was very helping in my teaching career.
Attention Deficit Disorder I really like this delivery format. I hear it read, I read it myself as it’s reading, I can go back and check facts, etc. Thank you for providing a class that is interesting and relevant.
Reading & Writing in Content Area I found the course material to be informative and look forward to applying what I have learned in my current teaching position.
Autism & Aspergers I found this course very helpful. It really opened my eyes to what aggression is and showed me ways to deal with it in every situation. I feel it will help me in my classroom and in my daily life. Thanks!
Understanding AgressionI would recommend this class to any teacher feeling anxiety or uncertainty about what is expected from them with Common Core implementation.
Understanding & Implementing Common Core StandardsThanks for a great class. I think every teacher should take this class before they are allowed to be in a classroom.
Behavior is Language The Teaching Diversity course was excellent and very stimulating. I will apply some of the research when teaching youth. I especially liked the brain information, but all the information made me think [about] how I can treat others with more respect. Thank you so much for offering classes on the internet that made it simple for me to get credit to update my teaching certificate and helped me develop professionally.
Try DI? I was impressed with this course. I wish my online courses were as organized and user friendly as this one was.
Why DI?I was engaged and inspired by this course. I have learned a great deal and will begin using my new learning the first day of school. Thank you for the experience!
Reading & Writing in Content Area Great class. Looking forward to starting the new school year with a new attitude and a new outlook on approaching and preparing my classes to help all learners.
Why DI? I really enjoyed the course content and feel that everything I’ve learned will help me better educate my multicultural students. I have gained greater knowledge on how to deal with certain issues that will affect the learning of my students. I feel more educated and have learned different strategies to teach a diverse classroom setting. Thank you and I will encourage other teachers to take this course.
Try DI?Although my head is swimming with information, I am very excited to create a plan to have students self regulate their behavior. After 12 years of teaching, even with great classroom management, I feel drained. This course was an answered prayer!
Advanced Classroom Management This course was valuable to me as an educator. It will change the way I teach.
Why DI?This was my first online class and I met my current needs just perfectly! I loved learning in my own home and on my own schedule this summer. I often repeated the slides so I could process the information and take notes. As I was doing this, I realized that constant repeating is not an option with a live presentation. It allows me to renew my teaching certificate. I definitely would recommend the online VESi courses to my friends!
Understanding & Implementing Common Core StandardsI truly enjoyed the format and content of this course. The materials were not only interesting but very applicable in the “real world.” There were also excellent take-aways, things that I plan to begin implementing in September. Thank you!
Behavior is Language I greatly enjoy VESi courses. The information is presented in an interesting and engaging way. I always learn a lot when taking these courses. Thank you!
Understanding AggressionThank you for this information. I am going to teach in a school that has a very diverse population and I found this course to be very helpful.
Teaching DiversityI was very pleased with the information presented in the course and found it to be very beneficial; the knowledge I acquired from the course will help me to better serve students I provide academic/personal/social support services to in my current profession.
Drugs & Alcohol in SchoolsGreat course. Very grounded in research and applicable to practice!
Try DI I honestly can say that I learned a great deal from this course. I plan to share that knowledge that I gained with both my students and colleagues as the new school year approaches. I was very impressed with this course and curriculum and look forward to taking more courses in the future.
Traumatized Child I really enjoyed the three courses and have gained a better understanding of RTI. Our school implements the PBIS and the administrator talks about TRI but I feel that most on the committee have no clue just what they are talking about. I now have a much better understanding. Thanks.
Reading Fundamentals 3 This was the best course that I have taken in this format and through this organization. Thank you!
Why DI?