Attention Deficit Disorder

Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder:
Information & Interventions for Effective Teaching

This course will help the learner achieve a better understanding of ADHD and intervention strategies to facilitate positive student change. Taught by Mick R. Jackson MS/ED, this course covers the history of the disorder, accepted methods to assess and identify students with the disorder, and various methods, medications, and strategies that are currently used to treat it. For situations in which services beyond what can be provided in the classroom are required, the referral process for getting help for the student will be addressed. Reference materials include a list of resources for both teachers and parents who would like more help or information about ADD or ADHD.

I enjoyed learning about ADHD. In the past, I really didn't have enough background on ADHD. I had very limited tools in dealing with students with ADHD. After taking this course, I am competent enough to collaborate with other teachers and shared my knowledge about ADHD especially the strategies and interventions. This course was very helping in my teaching career.

Annabelle Q. | Notre Dame of Maryland


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