Course Subscription Frequently Asked Questions

VESi courses can be taken from any up to date device with a reliable high-speed internet connection. 
For all course-related questions (deadlines, functionality, etc.), please review the syllabus or the course info tab on the previous screen. Go Back.

You can also view the course navigation demo to see how VESi courses work.

If you have additional questions that are not addressed below, please contact us. Telephone support is available by calling VESi at 1-800-313-6744, Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00am and 5:00pm Pacific Standard Time. You can also email support at

Q: Do I need to be a PEN of Florida member to get the subscription pricing?

  • Yes, you’ll need to be a member to receive the discounted pricing and receive credits for graduate courses. For information on becoming a PEN of Florida member so you can take advantage of the course subscription please visit

Q: How many courses are included in my subscription?

  • Your subscription includes three graduate level courses that are offered for Graduate Semester Credits.

Q: How long do I have to complete each courses?

  • From the day that your course link is emailed to you, you will have a minimum of two weeks with a maximum of one year for course completion.

Q: How many courses can I take each term?

  • One course maximum in fall term

    One course maximum in spring term

    One course maximum in summer term unless you did not take a course in the either the spring or fall term, then you may take two courses in the summer.

Q: After I purchase the course subscription, how do I enroll in a course?

  • After checkout you can go back to the course list and there will be an option to enroll in a course.

Q: How do I log into my course for the first time?

  1. After you have received your email: VESi Course Registration - Welcome Email and changed your password, please look for your second email: VESi Course Registration - Password Updated. Your Password Updated email will have your link to the course.
  2. If you cannot find the email: VESi Course Registration - Password Updated, please look in your spam or junk mail folder.
  3. If you try this twice and still have no success, please contact VESi tech support at 1-800-313-6744 or at

Q:  What should I do if I logged into the course from my original course access email, but now I have lost that email?

Q: How do I enroll in the second course of my subscription?

  • Click HERE and login to enroll in another course.

Q: Where is my course syllabus addendum?

Your addendum is sent with your original email with course access information.

Q: Can I renew my course subscription?

After you have enrolled in and completed the three courses for your subscription, you will be able to renew. Otherwise you will have to wait until your subscription expires a year after purchase.

Q: Where can I find more information regarding course deadlines or functionality?

  • For all course-related questions (deadlines, functionality, etc.), please review the syllabus or the course info tab on the previous screen. Go Back. You can also view the course navigation demo to see how VESi courses work.

Q: Where or how do I get my official documentation?

  • Upon course completion, please allow VESi approximately two weeks to process your materials and to notify Avila University of your grade. The university will then need time on their end to process and post your grade and then you may request your transcript by following the instructions under the Request Avila University Transcript heading on this page:

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Suite 1450
Spokane, WA 99216
Telephone: (800) 313-6744
Fax: (509) 926-7768