Virtual Education Software, inc. (VESi) designs and offers high-quality, graduate-level distance learning courses (as well as CEUs, PDUs, PLUs, clock hours, etc.) through more than 100 colleges and universities nationally. Several of these university partners offer VESi courses for academic credit in either matriculated or non-matriculated form.
VESi courses may be taken to fulfill continuing education or professional development needs, as well as for salary advancement, pay scale elevation, or degree completion requirements. VESi recommends that you check with your school district and/or state licensing agency to verify these course offerings will meet your district and/or state requirements for salary advancement and/or state certificate re-licensure.
With regionally and nationally accredited partner institutions in over 30 states, we are confident that we have a university partner and a course to meet your higher education and professional development needs.
Simply click on one of the institution links listed below to see detailed information about course offerings, credit types, course fees, and registration.

Partner Colleges, Universities, and Organizations
- Adams State University
- AFT Indiana/Trine Subscription (AFT Indiana members only)
- Alabama State University
- Alaska Staff Development Network/University of Alaska Anchorage
- Andrews University
- Ashland University
- Athens State University
- Auburn University
- Augustana University
- Augustana/AFTA Subscription (AFTA members only)
- Augustana/FEA Subscription (FEA members only)
- Augustana/NSEA Subscription (NSEA members only)
- Augustana/SDEA Subscription (SDEA members only)
- Augustana/UEA Subscription (UEA members only)
- Austin Peay State University
- Austin Peay State University/TEA Subscription (TEA members only)
- Avila University
- Avila/ISTA Subscription (ISTA members only)
- Avila/MNEA Subscription (MNEA members only)
- Avila/MSTA Subscription (MSTA members only)
- Avila/PENF Subscription (PENF members only)
- Baker University
- Baker/KNEA Subscription (KNEA members only)
- Boise State University - Undergraduate Credits
- California State University, East Bay
- California State University, San Bernardino
- Central Methodist University
- Central Washington University
- Chadron State College
- Chicago Public Schools
- Clark College
- Cleveland State University
- Colorado Mesa University
- Colorado State University-Pueblo
- Delta State University
- Eastern Washington University
- ESC of Northeast Ohio
- ESD 101
- ESD 123
- ESD 171
- ESD 189
- Georgia College
- Georgia Southern University
- Gonzaga University
- Grand View University
- Holyoke Community College
- Kane County Regional Office of Education
- Lake Superior State University
- LAUSD Salary Point Courses
- Madison-Champaign Educational Service Center
- MidAmerica Nazarene University
- Mid Atlantic Christian University
- Misericordia University
- Misericordia/AFT Connecticut Subscription (AFTCT members only)
- Misericordia/AFT Pennsylvania Subscription (AFTPA members only)
- Middle Georgia State University
- Minnesota State University, Mankato
- Montana Professional Learning Collaborative
- Montana State University Northern
- Morningside University
- National University
- NEA-Alaska/UAA Subscription (NEA-Alaska members only)
- NEA-New Hampshire/Russell Sage College Subscription (NEA-NH members only)
- NYSUT ELT In Partnership With Esteves School of Education at Russell Sage College
- North Central Ohio Educational Service Center
- North Dakota State University
- Northeastern Illinois University
- Northeastern State University
- Northeast Wyoming BOCES
- North Mississippi Education Consortium
- Northwest Missouri State University
- Northwest Nazarene University
- Notre Dame of Maryland/MSEA Subscription (MSEA members only)
- Notre Dame of Maryland/WVEA Subscription (WVEA members only)
- Ohio University Regional Higher Education
- Olympic ESD 114
- Peninsula College
- Portland State University
- Pratt Community College
- Quincy University
- Quinsigamond Community College
- Randolph College
- Russell Sage College
- San Jose State University
- Seattle Central College - Continuing Education
- Shenandoah University
- Shepherd University
- Spokane Colleges
- Tennessee State University
- Tillamook Bay Community College
- University of Arkansas at Little Rock
- University of Maine at Presque Isle
- University of Maine at Presque Isle/MEA Subscription (MEA members only)
- University of Massachusetts Global
- University of Montana Western
- University of North Carolina, Wilmington
- University of North Dakota
- University of the Pacific, Benerd College
- University of Sioux Falls
- University of Southern Indiana
- University of Southern Mississippi
- University of Texas at Arlington
- University of Wisconsin–Superior
- Ursuline College
- Ursuline College/OEA Subscription (OEA members only)
- Ursuline College/OFT Subscription (OFT members only)
- Valdosta State University
- Vernon College
- Wilson Education Center
VESi: 1-800-313-6744
Please feel free to contact VESi if you have any additional questions about our course offerings.