Virtual Education Software, inc. (VESi) offers online continuing education courses for professionals that are convenient, relevant, and affordable.
Virtual Education Software, Inc.

AFT Indiana Member Benefit!

Online Continuing Education Courses for Educators

Enroll Today!

AFT Indiana has partnered with Trine University and VESi to offer members a yearly subscription to online graduate courses for $275 per year. You can enroll in one course per term or two courses during the summer (if you skip fall or spring), for a total of 3 courses per year.

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Online Courses for Educators

Choose from over 30 online courses for license renewal/pay raise purposes

When and Where You Want

Learn online at your own pace from the convenience of your home

Check out our new course!

Educational Technology: Effective Use of Technology in the Classroom

Other course topics include...Assessment, Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Classroom Management, Common Core, Differentiated Instruction, Diversity & Inclusion, Early Childhood, Elementary/Secondary Math Concepts, English Language Learner, Mental Health, Reading & Writing, Talented & Gifted Students, Violence & Bullying

Virtual Education Software, inc.
23403 E Mission Avenue, Suite 220F
Liberty Lake, WA 99019
Phone: 509-891-7219

Virtual Education Software, inc.