Quinsigamond Community College
To register for professional development points (PDPs), please call Quinsigamond Community College at 508-751-7900.
VESi recommends that you check with your school district and/or state licensing agency to verify these course offerings will meet your district and/or state requirements for salary advancement and/or state certificate re-licensure.

Advanced Classroom Management: Children as Change Agents
PDPs: 30 Fee: $234

Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Information & Interventions for Effective Teaching
PDPs: 30 Fee: $234

Autism Spectrum Disorder: Information & Effective Intervention Strategies
PDPs: 30 Fee: $234

Behavior is Language: Strategies for Managing Disruptive Behavior
PDPs: 45 Fee: $304

Build School Communities: Brain Smart Classroom Management
PDPs: 30 Fee: $234

Educational Technology: Effective Use of Technology in the Classroom
PDPs: 45 Fee: $304

Infant & Toddler Mental Health: Issues & Information for Educators
PDPs: 30 Fee: $234

Response to Intervention: Practical Information for the Classroom Teacher
PDPs: 45 Fee: $304

Social & Emotional Learning: Optimizing Learning Environments with Life Skills
PDPs: 45 Fee: $304

Understanding Aggression: Coping with Aggressive Behavior in the Classroom
PDPs: 45 Fee: $304