DIBELS.The Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) (Kaminski & Good, 1996) is an example of a derivative of CBM that uses established performance criteria to determine whether a child may be at-risk, at some risk, or at low risk for reading difficulty (typically seen in Grades K-1). Figure 4.1 highlights the established performance criteria used by the authors of the DIBELS to determine risk status.

    Figure 4.1. DIBELS Quarterly Benchmarks by Grade Level

    Kindergarten DIBELS Benchmark Goals

    First Grade DIBELS Benchmark Goals

    Second Grade DIBELS Benchmark Goals

    Third Grade DIBELS Benchmark Goals

    Inspection of Figure 4.1 indicates that established DIBELS performance criteria are explained for each grade level and core beginning reading skill. Moreover, these criteria are further delineated by each academic quarter of the grade level. The DIBELS performance criteria are called quarterly benchmarks and are detailed for each core beginning reading skill and grade level. For example, the criterion for oral reading fluency rate considered at low risk for reading failure is 77, 92, and 110 words read per minute by the beginning, middle, and end of third grade, respectively.

    It is important to provide further details on the DIBELS, given its popularity and promise as a reading assessment tool. The DIBELS comprises a number of measures designed specifically to assess beginning reading skills of students. These measures have been found to be predictive of later reading proficiency. Tables 2.2 and 2.3 provide important information on the appropriate grade levels, types of assessments, and components of beginning reading assessed by the DIBELS. Five DIBELS assessments are used to assess beginning reading skills. Descriptions of these five assessments follow.

